.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Fitness Talk Radio Bodybuilding Interviews

I am now the host of a Fitness, nutrition and wellness talk radio program streamed live on the internet on Mondays at 9:00 AM pacific time.  I am interviewing guests regarding fitness, nutrition, wellness and self improvement.  The Former Fat Guy Show – fit, wise and well  began airing on March 3rd 2003.

Update: I had my show on for about 4 months in which I interviewed Monica Brant, Bill Pearl, Clarence Bass, Shawn Phillips, Udo Erasmus and many others.  I have taken the best of the bodybuilder talk radio clips and made them available on my new website www.fatlossinsidersecrets.com .  Since the show, I have done two more interviews privately, one with Tom Venuto and the other with Harvey Diamond.  In fact, it was Harvey’s agent who contacted me and asked to be interviewed.  That interview can be found on my website under Harvey Diamond Interview, while the Tom Venuto interview is part of the bodybuilder interview package.


Harv Eker and James Ray


Just Finished the West Coast Trail

1 Comment

  1. Joe Breen

    To Whom It May Concern,
    I was writing to see if we could be profiled on your show.
    I am working with a company that has just published a groundbreaking book on fitness called ” Automatic Fitness” . written by celebrity personal trainer Leo Costa Jr. a trainer to the stars such as Kevin Costner & Johnny Estrada of the Atlanta Braves.

    You may also know Leo as a national level bodybuilder who still competes at age 56. (See Attached Photos)

    The book is based on over 30 years of research and work with thousands of clients. The techinques in this book will help anyone get in the best shape of their lives in the next 90 days.
    The techinques are based on 30+years of experience with people from all walks of life who have become, regained their health, lost weight, and in some cases been able to stop taking cholesterol, and arthritis medication. Leo ‘s company Optimum Training Systems released The Anabolic Diet, which brought the High- Fat/ Low- Carb Diet to the mainstream. What seperates this book from others on the market is that it is based on the latest advances in science and human physiology. Leo has written sections for every section of society from elite athletes to grandmothers and everyone in between. The books also come with a DVD that includes every exercise performed so the reader will have no questions, and he is so sure people will get results he is offering a 90 day money back guarantee if someone performs the routine as outlined in the books and the DVD and still does not see results.


    Joe Breen

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