.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: Fitness

Weight Loss and Fitness Article Directories

I created a new website for my weight loss articles and fitness articles over at clinicallyObese.com. Go ahead and use the articles for your own website or ezine if you like. They are primarily focused on weight loss, fat loss, personal development, personal training and about finding role models or mentoring. Update: I also just released a new article website at Article Adventure dot Com as well.

Panama Costa Rica and Belize Cruise

Getting leaner, approaching my goal of 6% by July 1st

Creatine: I used Creatine for almost 14 years straight after accepting from my natural bodybuilding, health and fitness mentor Cory Holly from Canada’s Alive magazine did his due dilligence and deemed it safe for a natural athlete. Turns out it’s got a lot of great anti-aging properties. The only time I’ve been off it is when my personal trainer here in Edmonton said she was against it. After taking almost a year off from Creatine, I’ve loaded up and am back on it. A very interesting article about Creatine and alcohol here. As well, the creatine information you need about how to maximize creatine uptake in post workout shake. Interesting that protein helps uptake.

6 Percent Bodyfat Goal

I have committed to attaining 6% body fat by July 1, 2005.  In this endeavour, I needed new tools for my toolbox. Read my review of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle book by Tom Venuto. I spent last night at my skydive club annual New Years Eve party.  I had begun my fat loss program about a week prior and I stuck to my guns of only having a couple of beers.  I have a cruise in February and I want to drop a bunch of fat before I go.  I’m also going to have my chest and back waxed for the first time and see how I like it.  My plan to achieve my goal involves daily cardio in the morning followed by weight training in the afternoon.  I’m following the Burn The Fat program by Tom Venuto, increasing my protein in the form of chicken and eggs and again eating oatmeal with my breakfast.
I created a site for Fitness Affiliate resources for people who want to earn money helping others educate themselves about health and fitness or find fitness products and tools.  Fitness affiliate links is part of my Fatloss Muscle and Fitness Network which I’m designing to tie together a bunch of my fitness and nutrition websites.  Basically a site with a bunch of articles and then it posts pages generated by RSS from my other website feeds.  These pages generate inbound links to my articles and posts and should increase clickthrough and pagerank to them.  Plus the pages will change very often which Google likes.

Fitness Talk Radio Bodybuilding Interviews

I am now the host of a Fitness, nutrition and wellness talk radio program streamed live on the internet on Mondays at 9:00 AM pacific time.  I am interviewing guests regarding fitness, nutrition, wellness and self improvement.  The Former Fat Guy Show – fit, wise and well  began airing on March 3rd 2003.

Update: I had my show on for about 4 months in which I interviewed Monica Brant, Bill Pearl, Clarence Bass, Shawn Phillips, Udo Erasmus and many others.  I have taken the best of the bodybuilder talk radio clips and made them available on my new website www.fatlossinsidersecrets.com .  Since the show, I have done two more interviews privately, one with Tom Venuto and the other with Harvey Diamond.  In fact, it was Harvey’s agent who contacted me and asked to be interviewed.  That interview can be found on my website under Harvey Diamond Interview, while the Tom Venuto interview is part of the bodybuilder interview package.

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