Merry ChristmasI spent my Christmas Eve at Mel’s house.  She had a party attended to by a bunch of personal trainers, health conscious people.  We had a great time and I met a bunch of great new people.  Christmas time is not always my favorite time of year.  My birthday falls close to christmas and it kind of depresses me.  Not sure why anymore and I’ve let go of it.  Maybe it’s because of the Christmas gifts.  I’ve always said that a homemade christmas gift idea was better than buying one. My idea of a perfect christmas is living in the backwoods, in a log house and then creating my own christmas presents for the people I love.  I guess it’s from my early years growing up watching The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie.  Those were good times.  I think the world would be a better place if we lost a bunch of technology.

Some of my best memories of Christmas involve all the goings on around the homestead of Charles Ingles and the family get togethers on The Waltons.  I really think I’m having “earlier life” flashbacks because those are my best Christmas memories.  Weird eh?