.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: The Secret

Christmas Gifts

Hey, I just got the coolest christmas gifts from my trainer.  She got me a bunch of tealights and a couple of those big huge Guy Type column candles for my desk.  I had texted her the other day hinting (ok, outright asking for them) and today she hooked me up.

Then… then… she gave me my birthday gift.  She got me a thumb ring made of some sort of special metal from metalsmiths in west edmonton mall.  I’ve promised to get her my DVD of “the secret” as a christmas gift for her.  I’ve told her to watch it a number of times because of how powerful the secret really is.

I had a really shitty christmas last year when I was with my girlfriend.  I spent a lot of time and energy (and love) to create an amazing gift for her and I got a toy car and some personal toiletries.  Kinda wrecked the energy that year for me and I should have know we weren’t on the same page. 

So this year, I am already so thrilled with my christmas gift.  Not quite a homemade christmas gift idea, but awesome, amazing.  I’m very happy.

Update: I realize now after I wrote this post and got the comment, that I had not considered what the intention was around the toy car.  And also that I celebrated Christmas in Arizona a few weeks later and got one of my most prized possessions, a very special earring.  This earring has gotten my more touches from women as well as comments due to it’s special design.  I’ve worn it faithfully now for almost a year and I see no time soon in which I will change it up.  Thank you for the great gift Sonja.

Harv Eker and James Ray

I had been taking a few personal development courses by Harv Eker when I was introduced to James Ray at Harv’s Wealth and Wisdom seminar held in Vancouver BC Canada.  I’ve always said that nobody could match the training done by Harv but I was wrong. What I found was a complimentary style that could be blended into my training. I was blown away by James’ energy and enthusiasm as was everyone in the room.  His examples of “Power” were amazing and when it was time to register for his courses, the entire room got up to join. There are few people in this league of training, but James Ray and T. Harv Eker are most certainly at the top.

James Ray literally wrote the book on peak performance: The Science of Success & Power to Win Weekend provide a series of proven methods,and skills that produce consistent results in sales, leadership, teamwork, and personal success.

Update: James Ray is one of the featured people on the newly released “the secret” video along with Joe Vitale and many others.  It’s a great video and I reference it a great many times during Mind of Steel Heart of Gold where I facilitate one of the personal growth events.

There were many other speakers and presenters at Wealth and Wisdom.  One of which was an internet marketer by the name of Tom Antion.  I was already doing web development so I knew a lot of what he spoke about.  But then I had the “ah ha” moment in which he spoke of a single piece of info that took my website to the next level.  I was getting 50 visitors per month on my website.  By applying his strategy, I increased my traffic to 500 per day over the next 3 months. 

Update: Two years later, I was bored one December and decided I’d double it again.  It was my intention to receive 2000 visitors per day and began again at my marketing efforts.  A short 3 months later, I had cracked 2000 visitors per day and it’s still climbing.

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