.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Category: Technology

How To Stop Microsoft Office Outlook from Synchronizing

microsoft outlook synchronizingI’ve been wanting to know how to stop outlook from synchronizing for a few years now.  Every now and again I tackle the problem but can never find any solutions.

This time, my outlook locks up while synchronizing and it’s really been pissing me off.

When Outlook is open, it begins to download the mail, then the synchronizing icon shows up in the task bar with it’s little message.  Then outlook freezes up and I have to shut it down and send in an error report.

Today, I finally found a solution and am posting it here for my own purposes.  I NEVER want to lose this little piece of information because it finally worked.

How To Stop Microsoft Office Outlook from Synchronizing

If you right click on each of the email folders and select “properties” you will see a check box: Automatically generate Microsoft Exchange views”.

UNcheck this box on each email folder.

You will still get a very brief “synchronizing” message, but ONLY while it is actively linking to your POP account.

There, hopefully I can find this again if and when I need it and maybe help someone else in the mean time.

Btw, before I tried this, I renamed my old .pst file, created a new one, and it still did the same thing.  It WAS NOT a corrupt .pst file.  Then I did the procedure above, then imported my mail and folders from the old .pst file.

and that… is finally that!

Flickr Television

Oh, this is cool, viewing flicker user uploads from around the globe, live as they’re uploaded!


Very clever – superimposed over a map of the world, which scrolls, pictures pop up in real time. Nice way to spend the afternoon, spying on flickr uploaders don’t you think?

Grab your favorite beverage, sit back and enjoy the show.

update: oh, nice nice nice, check out the 3D view and watch the globe spin as pictures pop in! Cool

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